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Student budgeting tip – how to make your money go further

University life is an expensive life. It’s usually the first time to live without family and and manage your finances alone. So, we came up with some tips to help you save money but, at the same time, enjoy your time at university with student budgeting


Cook at home alone, or invite friends and make cooking more enjoyable. Listen to music or a podcast, or craft your meal in silence, whichever way is more pleasant for you.

You can also look into getting an air fryer to cut energy cost. Air fryer are all the rage and there’s hundreds of recipe books and ideas to get you started

5 meals for £25! Many bloggers and even the big supermarkets have countless meal plans online to make your money go further. Just search 5 meals for 25 for more inspiration


Make a shopping list before going shopping and spend your money accordingly. It’s very important to avoid going shopping hungry. Another tip from us is that you separate the items you want to buy into two categories: what you really need and what is just a craving.

If you’re big on brands, why not try and swap out some of your favourites for a cheaper alternative and see how you get on. You never know, you might prefer the non-branded items!

Know your spending

Write down your finances, identify what you spend the most and try to cut down possible things. For me, I spend too much in cafés, and eating out. I’m also the victim of going shopping hungry and end up spending too much. Keeping the record of the money spent helps me to realize where I can save more. Try and set yourself a budget per week or month and try to stick to it.

Look for deals and student discounts

Keep an eye out for student offers and discount. Sign up to apps such as studentbeans and Unidays for discounts in your favourite shops, restaurants and online stores . Lots of restaurants offer student discount during the week, so you can enjoy a meal out at a fraction of the price.

Money for fun

Allocate some money for fun as well: going out with friends, a concert or travelling.

We hope these student budgeting tips help you to improve your spending, so you don’t worry about your finances too much and enjoy university life at the same time.